Located in Clinton MS at 100 Mt Salus Rd. Clinton MS 39056
Wednesday Night Activities
The serving line opens at 5:15pm and closes at 5:45pm.
No Reservations at this time.
- $8 for meal and or salad bar
- $5 potato bar for ages 11 years old and up.
- Pizza $2 a slice
- Children aged 10 and younger eat for free.
- College students eat for free.
- Please check in with the cashier to help us get a count of the children and college students eating.
- The family maximum will be $30
Groups and Activities
Short-Term Discipleship Groups
Wednesday Nights | 6:00 PM
Groups start January 22

Adult Groups
Pastor’s Bible Study
8 weeks (Limit: 25 participants)
“Out of the Saltshaker and into the World”
Worship Center | Leader: Rev. Jimmy Criddle
In the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, Jesus speaks a powerful reality about his followers – “You are to be salt and light.” How do we do this? This group will read through Dr. Robert Coleman’s book, The Master Plan of Evangelism, and discover how we can positively influence the people God brings into our everyday lives.
Life on Mission
6weeks (Limit: 25 participants)
Fellowship Parlor | Leaders: Mike Norcom, Bob Jackson, & Sigard Monroe
Are you interested in learning more about the mission initiatives of CMC? Have you ever thought about going on one of summer church builds in Nicaragua? This group will take you on a cross-cultural journey into the varied mission partnerships and initiatives of CMC. You will receive Biblical teaching directly from our partners in Nicaragua and learn about the amazing work God is doing there. You will also learn more about our Beds for Kids 2025 initiative, how you can participate, and how to get hands-on with this project.
Emily Bearden Prayer Shawl Ministry
Room E202 | Leaders: Amy Burrow and Linda McBrayer
Since 2008, this group has provided hundreds of prayer shawls and lap blankets to people sick and homebound in our community. We welcome new members and will teach you to crochet! All you need is yarn and a crochet hook..