Missions Garage Sale

The Missions Garage Sale is scheduled for May 2nd and 3rd, 2025.

Where can you get a great deal on used household goods and do good for God’s household too?

At the Clinton Methodist Church Missions Garage Sale May 2-3. This event raises funds for church mission projects and brings people from miles away to get great deals on furniture, electronics, toys, books, jewelry, kitchen items, outdoor equipment, clothes and almost anything else. The church is located on Hwy 80 in Clinton across from Newk’s restaurant.

Church members have been collecting their donations and bringing them to the church for several weeks. “This garage sale is a great way to make room in my closet, and I love that it is an easy way to help missions,”

Volunteers help label, sort, and display the items before and during this yearly event. Missions Committee Chair Mike Norcom encouraged shoppers to come early to have the best choice and stay late. He noted that there will also be an assortment of homemade cakes, pies and cookies for sale.

Proceeds from the sale support local missions and international trips. For information, call the church 601-924-6671.