Ash Wednesday

Reliving the Passion of Christ. Our Lenten season will include several ways for you to deepen your faith. First, I will preach through the passion narrative of Mark’s Gospel (chapters 14-15) leading up to Easter weekend. We will walk with Jesus through his betrayal, trial, and crucifixion as though we are experiencing each moment in time as it unfolds. Next, I am recommending a daily devotional reader by Walter Wangerin, Jr., titled “Reliving the Passion of Christ.” You can purchase it here through Amazon for around $16.00. I can tell you that it is one of the best I’ve read. I am about halfway through it.

Finally, Ash Wednesday services will be next week. The staff and I will be conducting a service at Brookdale Senior Living at Noon on Wednesday with the residents. Come join us in the chapel if you can! There will also be a service in our Sanctuary at 6:00 p.m. for you and our community. Dinner will be served in the Family Life Building prior to worship. I look forward to this journey with you. 

March 5th, 2025

12:00pm Brookdale Senior Living (Chapel)

6:00pm CMC Sanctuary

 See you Sunday for our final message in the mini-series, “Bad Things, Good People,” featuring the life of Joseph.