I have three things for you on this cold, wintery weekend…
1. TUL pens and Moleskine notebooks. If you are looking to up your journaling game and your sermon or Bible study note-taking game, I recommend the TUL GL series, needle point, retractable pens. They write with a smooth flow at just the perfect width for my liking. The Moleskine Cahiers ruled journal notebook is a perfect size and a very durable everyday note- taking machine. I have been using them for years, and they hold up to the abuse I put them through due to their stitched binding. I know. You are probably thinking that I am a pen and notebook snob. Well, I know a good combination when I find it. Here is a link to the pens and notebooks. You will love them too, or they make a great gift for someone you know who loves quality pens and notebooks.
2. Read the story of Joseph. For those of us doing the Bible Recap reading plan, we just finished the book of Genesis a few weeks ago. The second half of Genesis tells us about the mixed-up family of Jacob and his 12 sons. In chapters 37-50, Joseph, the eldest son of Rachel, takes center stage as we follow the highs and lows of his life. These chapters beg the question – Why do bad things happen to good people? Have you ever wondered why God allows evil to exist in the world he created? I will be unpacking this question as we look at the story of Joseph over the next two weeks in a new mini-series, “Joseph: Bad Things, Good People.” Read his story during these two weeks in preparation for this series.
3. Renewal Series Recap. We had an amazing time this past week with Dr. Joe Dongell. He unpacked four amazing passages from the Book of Romans and gave us some great teaching on the key features of the Wesleyan way. If you missed any of this series, don’t worry. We have got you covered. You can watch the videos by clicking here. Some of you may not be aware, but all of our messages can be found wherever you get your podcasts. Here is the link to Apple Podcasts where you can find all my sermons and Joe’s teachings as well. I encourage you to give his sermons a listen, but you will want to have a notebook and pen ready. A TUL pen and Moleskine work just fine!
Hope to see you Sunday!