The Voice, September 5, 2024


I can tell this past weekend was the official kickoff to fall for two reasons. One, there were football games on my television all weekend long. Football dominated our entertainment time. Furthermore, it was great to see the Clinton Arrows get a win in the “Red Carpet Game” in Vicksburg against Warren Central on Friday night. Go Arrows!

The second reason I know that fall has officially begun is many of you were out of town this weekend. Maybe you were on campus in Starkville or Oxford. Maybe you were in the dove field since dove season kicked off on Sunday instead of Saturday. Maybe you took advantage of one last trip to the coast since we had an extra day off work and out of school. Wherever you might have been, I hope you will join us back on campus this Sunday for a great day of fellowship, worship, and learning because we are starting a new sermon series on the Book of Exodus. We are going to immerse ourselves in Exodus over the next several weeks. Exodus is pivotal in Israel’s history because it tells how God mightily delivered them out of bondage and slavery to a life of freedom and promise. This story “maps” out in a geographical way our story as Christians from death to life, made possible through Jesus. The parallels between Israel’s story and our story become obvious as we look back at Exodus through the lens of New Testament faith.

I remember when I was a kid, I would spend endless hours in the yard wearing my #34 Walter Payton football t-shirt and kicking a football over a power line that stretched across my front yard. I imagined being a punter on the Chicago Bears. Every time I punted my ball over the power line, I saw my plan coming into focus. Here is a picture of me wearing my favorite number…

Well, needless to say my plan didn’t work out quite like I dreamed. I only ended up about 5’10” and weighing about 140 pounds in high school so I didn’t get the job on the football team as punter. Plan A didn’t work out.

This Sunday our message will be based on Exodus 1:1-14. We will look at how Israel’s plan A didn’t work out the way they thought it would either. Life is like that in so many ways. There are setbacks, detours, wrong turns, and unexpected bumps in the road. What I have learned is that we have our plan A, but God has plan G.

I hope to see you Sunday!


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