Just an update on things going on in the music ministry here at CMC.
Our Children’s Chime Choir is going to play in church soon. There are nine kids in this group. We are starting from the very beginning, so if you want to get your child in, it’s not too late. We meet on Wednesdays at 4:15 in the choir room.
We have relaunched our men’s quartet and it’s now a quintet. The group has chosen the name “Forgiven” since by the grace of our Lord we have indeed been forgiven. We will be singing in Sunday’s service. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.
Work continues by the Sanctuary Choir on our upcoming Christmas Program scheduled for December 15th. We REALLY, REALLY need some more singers! If you can help in this area, please call me at 601-214-5952 for more information. Again, your prayers would be appreciated for the choir and all of the groups here at CMC.
Have a blessed week and I’ll see you in worship on Sunday.
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