The Voice, July 18, 2024


Let’s talk about three things this week…

1. Good News. Hymnals are here! Thank you so much for your quick response to our request to purchase new hymnals. They are arriving today as I write this article and should find their new home in our pews before our next worship service in the sanctuary. Yay! I hope you will come on Sunday, July 28th to our Traditions service where we will dedicate our new hymnals and sing a few tunes in celebration. Bibles are on the way, too, and should be here soon. 

2. Back to School Bash is this Sunday. Don’t forget to bring those school supplies for our mission partnership with Clinton Park Elementary School. I am excited about teaming up with Kelli Pope, Principal at Clinton Park, to be a blessing to the administration, faculty, and students this year. Students, bring your backpacks for our blessing of the backpacks. More details about this event are found below in the Voice. 

3. Here is your Transition Team Update. Our leadership team didn’t meet this week, but our Lay Leadership committee met last week to form six new committees (Worship, Discipleship, Local Missions, Doctrine and Affiliation, Vision and Strategic Planning, and Stewardship and Debt Retirement). We will be releasing an updated Lay Leadership List in a week or so once persons have been elected to serve in these positions by the Ministry Council. 

Finally, we have hired a Youth Ministry Director! After several months of reviewing applicants and conducting interviews, we have found the next leader of our Youth Ministry. Brandon Edwards will be moving to Clinton from Rogers, AR in the coming weeks to join our staff. Brandon is a life-long Methodist, has a master’s degree in Youth and Family Ministry, and has 14 years of experience doing youth ministry. Our Search Committee did an excellent job helping us find Brandon. Thank them when you see them – Jason Carlock, Jami Crews, Jonathan Pennington, Craig and Anna Prestwood, and Krisa Rowland. We will have a full announcement and bio about Brandon soon!

See you Sunday!



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