Rev. Jimmy Criddle
Where You Plant Matters

Where You Plant Matters

February 25, 2024, Where You Plant Matters - Mark 4:1-20 In the parable of the four types of soil, Jesus digs into the dynamics of dirt and discipleship. What threats exist to our discipleship? What type of soil are you?New Revised Standard Version Updated...

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Follow Me

Follow Me

February 18 - Follow Me - Mark 1:14-20; 8:31-38 Part two of this series through the Gospel of Mark orients us toward a journey of discipleship. Mark makes clear that if we want to know Jesus we must follow him. As we follow, we encounter his presence and...

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Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?

February 11, 2024 Are You Listening? - Mark 9:2-13Transfiguration Sunday This spectacular display of God’s glory encompasses nature’s pyrotechnics and visual effects to make a spectacular claim: Jesus is the Son of God. Mark 9:2-13 New Revised Standard...

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Who Do You Say that I Am?

Who Do You Say that I Am?

February 4, 2024 - Who Do You Say that I Am?Mark 8:27-30 Mark has been leading us to this critical moment. This passage confronts not only Peter but each us. It is a personal invitation to answer the question, “Who is Jesus?”. We may give the right verbal...

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When Chains are Broken

When Chains are Broken

January 28, 2024 - When Chains are Broken - Mark 5:1-20 This story grips our imagination from the beginning as Jesus takes his ministry into the throws of enemy territory. A man who is held in bondage for years and ostracized by his community becomes the...

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Lord of Creation

Lord of Creation

January 21, 2024 - Lord of Creation - Mark 4:35-41  “He speaks and the sound of his voice is so sweet the birds hush their singing” (In the Garden). Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him? Jesus is revealed to be the Lord of Creation as he...

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We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This!

We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This!

January 14, 2024 - “We’ve Never Seen Anything Like This!”  - Mark 2:1-12 In Mark chapters 1 and 2, we start to see how Jesus is the divine Son of God. We witness Jesus’s authority as he does things that only God can do – healing illness, delivering people...

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Gospel Orientation

Gospel Orientation

January 7, 2024 - “Gospel Orientation” - Mark 1 Who is Jesus? What does it mean for me to follow Him? The answers to these questions are way better than the world tends to think. The gospel of Christ is beautiful in what it reveals and in what it...

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2023 - Christmas Eve - Luke 2: 15  On this fourth Sunday of Advent, our attention turns to the love of God demonstrated through the birth of the Messiah. His kingdom ushers in a demonstration of the defiant love of God marked by a spirit of...

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Joy of Every Longing Heart

Joy of Every Longing Heart

December 17, 2023 -Joy of Every Longing Heart - Luke 2:8-14  In this message, we interact with the story of a group of shepherds living near Bethlehem. They represent the ones often forgotten about and left out. Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, has come as God’s...

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Welcome Strangers

Welcome Strangers

December 10, 2023 - Welcome Strangers - Matthew 2:1-12 This message focuses on the Wisemen present in the birth story of Jesus. These “strangers from the east” were welcomed by Mary and Joseph. How can we follow their example to build relationships with the...

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Be A Neighbor

Be A Neighbor

December 3, 2023 - Be A Neighbor - Luke 2:1-7  his message challenges us to follow the example of the innkeeper by showing hospitality to our neighbors and guests by making room for others. The logo of our church features an open door, which suggests that we...

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Great Is YOUR Faithfulness

Great Is YOUR Faithfulness

 November 19, 2023 - Great Is YOUR Faithfulness - Lamentations 3:22-27 - Psalm 89 "His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 22-23). The Bible clearly helps us to see how our God has demonstrated...

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Seeing the King

Seeing the King

 November 16, 2023 - Seeing the King Christ The King Sunday Prayer of Confession God of glory, we do not always see your gloryin the world around us.When we see a person in need,it is not easy to look him in the eye.When we hear a cry for help,it is not easy...

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Will He Find Faith?

Will He Find Faith?

November 12, 2023 - Will He Find Faith? - Luke 16:1-15; 18:8  This week we will talk about OUR faithfulness and personal involvement in the mission and ministries of our local church. The local church is the primary place where discipleship happens. It is...

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