Resurrection Encounters
Our Hearts Burned Within Us

Our Hearts Burned Within Us

April 21, 2024  - Our Hearts Burned Within Us - Luke 24:13-35 One of the greatest affirmations of faith in the Living Christ is to have a personal encounter with Jesus.New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition The Walk to Emmaus 13 Now on that same day...

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Seeking Faith Finds Assurance

Seeking Faith Finds Assurance

April 14, 2024  - Seeking Faith Finds Assurance - John 20:24-29 Thomas had to wait 8 days to finally see Jesus after the resurrection. There were doubts, questions, and uncertainties lingering in his heart. Thomas represents all who have faith looking for...

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The Key That Unlocks All Fear

The Key That Unlocks All Fear

April 7, 2014 - Living Christ is key to our peace - John 20:19-23 The followers of Jesus were experiencing a lot of emotions following his death - confusion, grief, and fear. Into the space of those emotions, the Risen Christ comes. The presence of Christ is...

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