Bringing Heaven on Earth

Bringing Heaven on Earth

August 25, 2024 - Bringing Heaven on Earth - John 20:21; Luke 10:1-9 The church exists for God’s mission. The missio Dei, Latin for “Mission of God," reminds us that it’s not the church that has a mission, but the mission of God has a church. God has called...

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Don’t Go to Church; Be the Church

Don’t Go to Church; Be the Church

August 18 - Don’t Go to Church; Be the Church - Luke 10:25-37  Paul writes in his epistles about numerous functions that people perform in the church. One of those functions is diakonia. This Greek word means “service to others.” It is one of the highest...

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The Trip of a Lifetime

The Trip of a Lifetime

April 28, 2024 - “The Trip of a Lifetime” - Confirmation Sunday Luke 2 contains a unique story from the pre-teen years of Jesus’ life. His earthly family visits the Holy City of Jerusalem for the Passover Festival. This annual pilgrimage becomes the trip of...

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Our Hearts Burned Within Us

Our Hearts Burned Within Us

April 21, 2024  - Our Hearts Burned Within Us - Luke 24:13-35 One of the greatest affirmations of faith in the Living Christ is to have a personal encounter with Jesus.New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition The Walk to Emmaus 13 Now on that same day...

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Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2023 - Christmas Eve - Luke 2: 15  On this fourth Sunday of Advent, our attention turns to the love of God demonstrated through the birth of the Messiah. His kingdom ushers in a demonstration of the defiant love of God marked by a spirit of...

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Joy of Every Longing Heart

Joy of Every Longing Heart

December 17, 2023 -Joy of Every Longing Heart - Luke 2:8-14  In this message, we interact with the story of a group of shepherds living near Bethlehem. They represent the ones often forgotten about and left out. Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, has come as God’s...

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Be A Neighbor

Be A Neighbor

December 3, 2023 - Be A Neighbor - Luke 2:1-7  his message challenges us to follow the example of the innkeeper by showing hospitality to our neighbors and guests by making room for others. The logo of our church features an open door, which suggests that we...

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Will He Find Faith?

Will He Find Faith?

November 12, 2023 - Will He Find Faith? - Luke 16:1-15; 18:8  This week we will talk about OUR faithfulness and personal involvement in the mission and ministries of our local church. The local church is the primary place where discipleship happens. It is...

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