Great Is Your Faithfulness
Great Is YOUR Faithfulness

Great Is YOUR Faithfulness

 November 19, 2023 - Great Is YOUR Faithfulness - Lamentations 3:22-27 - Psalm 89 "His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 22-23). The Bible clearly helps us to see how our God has demonstrated...

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Will He Find Faith?

Will He Find Faith?

November 12, 2023 - Will He Find Faith? - Luke 16:1-15; 18:8  This week we will talk about OUR faithfulness and personal involvement in the mission and ministries of our local church. The local church is the primary place where discipleship happens. It is...

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Our Compelling Mission

Our Compelling Mission

November 5, 2023 – Our Compelling Mission- 1 Kings 17:7-16 This message begins our new series “Great is Your Faithfulness.” We will look at the story of Elijah and his encounter with a widow from Zaraphath. Our message will focus on our call to faithfulness...

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